Successful event at the Statehouse! Thank you ABC News, NJ101.5, RVN TV, New Perspectives, and the newspaper outlets for reporting and spreading awareness on Parental Alienation Awareness Day to ensure the administration of justice for children and families.
View Photo Gallery of FAN PAC at the NJ Statehouse on Parental Alienation Awareness Day
We aim to educate and inspire all agencies that work with the family court system to prioritize reunification between fit parents and children
accountability and transparency
sub-specialized training in all areas of custody, visitation, parenting time, and coercive control
More State and federal funding for the family court and affiliated agencies
all stakeholders to have qualifying credentials
Cameras to be in the courtroom
Cases to be resolved expeditiously
uniform training on resist-refuse contact between parent and child/parental alienation for all agencies and professionals interacting with the family court including domestic violence, dcpp, law enforcement, mediators, and sub-specialized mental health professionals
dignity, compassion and respect for all Pro Se litigants in the family court
Increase the number of family court judges who practiced family law before being appointed to the bench
FAN PAC works diligently to spread awareness on constructive solutions to address the challenges in the family court and related agencies
FAN-PAC wants to help ensure our children have access to the full love, nurturing and support of both loving parents regardless of the structure of the family.
We must work together to stop Human Rights Violations resulting in further dismantling of families
…Judge vacancies in New Jersey are causing thousands of people to put their lives on hold READ MORE HERE
…FAN PAC is collaborating with Ginger Gentile, documentary filmmaker of Erasing Family, to provide abridged version of film and content brochures to educators, guidance counselors, parents, and students pre-k through grade 12. Click HERE for more info.
…Families Divided TV can now be viewed on the NOW Network. Click HERE to watch.
Our mission is NOT about blame…we advocate for swift action, early intervention, and constructive solutions for all stakeholders in the family court system
CLICK BELOW TO Reach out to your Legislators today to support New Jersey A912
In recent polling commissioned by National Parents Organization and Fathers’ and Children’s Equality (FACE) and conducted by Researchscape International, 95% of those in New Jersey indicated they believe it is in the child’s best interest to have as much time as possible with each parent and 85% of those in New Jersey indicated they would support a change in New Jersey law that awards children as much time as possible with each parent. Furthermore, 94% in New Jersey expressed a commitment to vote their beliefs of being “more likely to vote for a candidate who supports children spending equal or nearly equal time with each parent following separation or divorce when both parents are fit and willing to be parents.”
When it comes to family, nothing is more important than spending quality time together. New Jersey's children are asking you today to use your VOICE and give them the right to equal access to both parents. FAN-PAC in New Jersey is dedicated to meaningful solutions!
FAN-PAC is committed to partnering with mental health professionals throughout the state who understand the unique challenges and dynamics of families in crisis. These professionals are experienced in working with parents and children living through the trauma of high-conflict custody disputes and working with them to minimize the emotional barriers many face. Many of us suffer the additional emotional impact from having limited or no access to our children. This trauma may be elevated in the crisis environment we are experiencing.