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FAN-PAC on "Our Community Talk Radio"

FAN-PAC was the special in-studio guest of Our Community Talk Radio with Ian Burrowes.  Ian Burrowes broadcasts his show Monday through Friday from 8 am until 10 am. The show presents topics that are impacting the community.  The show can be heard on and 95.1 in the East Orange area. And streams live on Facebook.

On Thursday May 24th, the main topic of Mr. Burrowes show was education.  Rafael Franco, President of FAN-PAC and David Kalen, Chair of the Legislative Committee for FAN-PAC were invited to discuss the impact single parent households have on a child’s educational development and how the family court has failed many of our children.  The show is dedicated to giving the listeners an opportunity to share with both Mr. Burrowes and his guests their opinions on all topics. This show was no different; opinions regarding education to classism to income inequality were all discussed at length. Both Mr. Franco and Mr. Kalen added that many downstream issues such as why too many children are failing in the education system can be traced back to the family dynamic and how the family court needs to understand the role it plays in the development of our children.

On Friday May 25th, FAN-PAC was invited back to introduce Mr. Burrowes’ audience to legislation supported by FAN-PAC which clarifies the existing laws relating to custody.  Bills A-1091 and S-273 provide for a rebuttable presumption that joint legal and equal or approximately equal physical custody is the starting point when the court is called upon to make such determinations.  The bill also provides for the court to deviate from this presumption when it is shown that a child may be harmed by this presumption. Mr. Kalen joined the conversation along with Terra McCann, who is a trustee of FAN-PAC and Laura Green another FAN-PAC member to follow up with the audiance.  Ms. McCann emphasized the purpose of the revisions to the existing statute is to create a baseline for the court as guidance when making these critical decisions.

FAN-PAC is looking forward to continuing the conversation with Mr. Burrowes and his community to work together to address the issues facing the children of New Jersey.  Through these collaborative efforts and honest dialogue, we can not only meet these challenges, we can provide a future of hope for all of our children, setting a standard for the rest of our nation to follow.

Rafael Franco