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  • Have you ever felt as though no one understands your pain?

  • Have you felt alone in your pursuit of a relationship with your children?

It is through the experience of others we can better meet these challenges head-on. Don’t be a victim. Become an advocate for your children and millions of others who have lost their voice. Let’s make this the last generation of alienated families.

This is a must-see event for all families in our community. Our solution-based and inspiring program includes a young woman who was alienated from her mother, a father who has successfully reunified with his children after more than 25 years and an internationally - recognized expert on families in crisis, parent/child reunification and parental alienation. The expert will help put their experiences in clinical context. Most of all, this program is being shared to create a space for HOPE and HEALING.



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Lauren King

A young woman who experienced being alienated from her mother by her father and stepmother. Pressured to make adult decisions as an early teen, Lauren was forced to meet with lawyers, GALs and decide between her parents. Her journey is a cautionary tale, a story of survival and a message of hope. Her experience led her to have an epiphany as a teenager. She has now “seen the truth” and has reunified with her targeted mother. Her courage is to be celebrated as she moves forward. Lauren is writing a book to share her story..

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Keith Marsolek

A father who lost his children, the oldest for 25 years and his other three children for the past 6 ½ years due to parental alienation. Keith, a veteran, will share his experience of the child custody litigation process in the family courts and his relentless determination to never give up and reunify successfully with his kids. Keith is a tireless international advocate for reform in the family court and the founder of Parental Alienation World Wide Foundation (PAWWF) and Parental Alienation World Wide Support Group (PAWWSG).

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Dr. Mark Roseman PhD, CFLE

A child advocate since the late 90’s. Dr. Roseman is an internationally recognized expert in parental alienation. His programs and advocacy demonstrate the need for collaborations in improving child outcomes for parents. In 2010, he created the Toby Center for Family Transitions based in Delray Beach, Florida, which is a major provider of supervised visitation services and reunification therapy. The Center design is to provide holistic clinical treatment, non-clinical child access services and co-parenting education to improve child outcomes when parents separate. Dr. Roseman is also an author of "Preserving Family Ties" An Authoritative Guide to Divorce and Child Custody and publisher of Contemporary Family – Global Resources For Effective Parenting, Magazine.

Success in the FAN-PAC Community!

Yadira Trimino – A mom in the FAN-PAC community has reconnected with her daughter. Back in October 2019 Yadira attended FAN-PAC’s Children and Family Empowerment Project Symposium at Kean University and in December 2020 she attended FAN-PAC’s Parental Alienation and Reunification Symposium with Dr. Lynn Steinberg and Dr. Jeff Gardere. After this event she reached out to Dr. Gardere seeking guidance about reconnecting with her daughter. Soon after her and her daughter got together and now Yadira has regular time with her daughter and their relationship is progressing. Yadira will share her perspective on her preparation for this reunification through self-care and advancing her career through education. She graduated with a Master’s degree from Montclair State University in 2021, both her children were there to see her get her degree

These presenters will provide much-needed support and encouragement to our community. Through their experiences, we can learn how to survive the emotional trauma of not seeing our children, prepare for the day when they are ready to have us back in their lives and learn to become self-reliant in the face of adversity. Please know you are not alone, our children know they are loved. Be ready.

Please join us, together we can make a difference.

There will be a live Q & A session, however, we encourage you to submit your questions in advance by July 26, 2021 using the form below.